Friday, October 14, 2022

Signs: their meaning and value. Updated.

"See, understand, interpret, follow, forget." These are the steps that contribute to undersranding and living with the signs, roughly, otherwise known as "omens". Its a mysterious thing! Signs are impossible to ignore, and they can be deeply intrapersonal, however they can also be ignored, or simply undetected.
We see signs regularly everyday, but most of people don't know know what exactly it is that they are seeing, or don't care, or otherwise too dumbstruck.
 In the realm of the spirit everything is a sort of a sign. Meaning, that everything that you lay your eyes on, or  anything you hear is deeply pervaded with sense of all sorts.

Signs shouldn't be followed indiscriminately, so just because the portal has opened and you could see through to whats going on there, it don't mean that you have to walk into it. Some may disagree. In fact, the whole of the Nagualism would disagree. If you ever red Carlos Castaneda's books, you would know that the Naguals such as Don Elias, or Don Julian followed the omens of the spirit without a second thought.

But you have to think. Soon or later, you would have to give it a thought. Because you have to interpret, just like in the story where Don Julian found Don Juan lying there half-dead on the dusty road. He saw a whirlwind of sort and followed it to a place - there was his apprentice. What an auspicious day it was.

So if a nagual of such caliber had to think about what he just saw, what does that say for the rest of us regular folks?;)

"Forgetting " the signs is also important, as it corresponds to a Zen adage "stir it up and leave it". One doesn't have to think over the signs too much, as the flux continues, and it just doesn't ever end, so whatever you have seen - leave it and let it be there.

I probably should have made this blog more about Seeing than anything else, but that would be a bit premature. However, seeing and following signs is after all a part of being in a  consistent communication with that something great out there that is both very intrapersonal and very impersonal. The world is layery and is so full of mystery that it is not even possible to start describing them, but we do dream don't what better proof?

A chain of important events happened since the publication of the original blog a few weeks ago, so I have to talk about them, in the lore of and under the title of "signs".

When i went to Iquitos, i was thinking of having a long vacation, however the signs were inadequate, not a 100% go ahead though.
Once in Iquitos I of course thought that I was going to go for an ayahuasca ceremony, to that extent I  went to San Juan, where i spent some time in my 20's and knew a man by the name of Juan, who was a very good curandero and a neighbour. Unfortunately for me, the man has passed away, and while his craft was continued by his wife and children, i didn't think that this was a right thing for me. Some of the reasons being insistence on the exact payment in dollars. In my opinion it doesn't work exactly in that way. Money do by a way in but they have to be accompanied by some favorable other things. Visions and sounds.

Next, i went into the near by selva for 3 days with a group, nothing extreme, but i did pay upfront  for a ceremony as a part of experience. The mosquiots were rough on me, even though i was in the lodge protected by the mosquiteros.
I had a dream the night before, something furry and long was crawling over me, and it was like a boa, that was crawling. It was ayahusasca. And i knew that. You would too. However, the next day, when there was time was ceremony, the shaman did not show up, for whatever reason. This never happened to me, and it shouldn't have happened. It did though. So i had to go from there...

On the way to the lodge there was a mention by a guide of a toad experience. I was looking for an experience like that. This one fits the hunters. He said that i should "do"the toad. I acquiesced, under

the condition that if i see a frog in a dream, or in any other way, i would consider it. On the way to the boat that was going to take us to the lodge I saw her, this was surprising. But oh so true.

Upon my return to Iquitos i did have a toad experience. It came to me surely and inevitably, and it was good.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Я друг...

Я друг себе, я друг тебе, я тихий камень на крыльце, 
Неважно мне богат ли ты, неважно важен ли себе,
Вот старый дом, вот лавка в нем, на ней горит свеча с умом, я разберусь, зажег ли я свечу, и сколько дров я наколол притом.

Раз, и махну рукой, присяду покурю,

Два, задену угол и пойму не все так призрачно вдвоем,

Три я мастер пустоты, а ты?

Четыре - наверно сбудуться мечты.

Пять, я здесь опять.