Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Worth of Help

If you look at how "compassion" is represented in different cultures around the world, you will see a benevolent mother, or an effeminate being that is looking at you benevolently, sometimes down, with open palms either in a certain hand positions (mudras) -  always ready to send those golden rays of kindness, love, and compassion. Yes, compassion is an act of love and kindness, and the Venerable Dalai Lama, a spiritual leader of Tibet is considered non-other, but the reincarnation of it, which can give one sense of how important is compassion in human history. I guess, too many times there wasn't enough of it, and people of the world have prayed, called out, out of the depth of their collective or personal miseries to the great benevolent being who can help, and many times who knows, she probably did.
However, where things get complicated is that if we look deeper upon a compassionate act performed by one human being towards the other, we generally see a very selfish motive - there is a personal interest involved in most cases. Even for a mother towards her children - it is her suffering and pain that is a result of children's mishaps. Charity can help the rich and influential to feel as though they are fulfilling their mission in tune with God's will, and alleviate a sense of sinfulness in those who carry guilt about having wealth. On the other hand, even a dollar given to a homeless person makes one feel good with a relief that the great Eye in a Sky has approved of their action, made it count.

Same people though, can be (and many times are) as brutal and harsh, and unforgiving as they are compassionate. This is  the other side of the same coin, just like the love and hate are. In other words kind, compassionate acts will not necessarily act as a protecting film from some of your other, less compassionate acts. To be truly and wholly compassionate, I have to argue, one also has to know the value of ruthlessness, i.e. being and acting from the center of their being without the thought of consequence for their action. Yes, to be truly compassionate one has to be a very rational being, see things "as they are" and then when all is well and clear, a compassionate act will have real power behind it because you are not thinking about it. It is not a rational act anymore.

Compassion doesn't have a face. It acts without asking. If there is a pain, compassion will move in to alleviate it. If there is suffering - compassion will move in to create a happy occasion. If there is a lack - compassion will be moved to create plentitude. And so on. But, if a compassionate act is performed out of a selfish motive - it stops being that and becomes a comfortable way to reassure oneself that they are capable, that all is well, that there is hope, etc. This is truly a human way, and there is no blame in it, since usually we are holding on to our various cultural traits, and tribal and social ways that don't teach us how to be truly compassionate. We all know that Lord Jesus was kind, and that his Mother was even kinder but somehow we expect that role to be fulfilled by the deites, as for ourselves, we are just too imperfect to ever consider a kind act that has a generosity and the swag of a deity. What could become such a gesture? Giving. Simple giving, but without thinking. Think it over before, in your spare time - then simply give. Even a small thing. Yes, there is light in that action. There is merit. There is personal satisfaction.
On the other hand, don't let anything sway you from that. If you have thought it over, and you feel like you are being pushed into giving, that this compromises what you really feel about the act - you have to be strong enough not to allow for that to take place. In other words you have to be in control of your resources, spiritual or otherwise and know what you feel and feel what you know about any such act.
This post is about bringing awareness to the acts of kindness, and I am sure that it will make a whole lot of difference to yourself and to the object of your next act. Let's practice that!


Friday, August 19, 2016

Дао в Поэзии. Борис Пастернак

Быть знаменитым некрасиво.
Не это подымает ввысь.
Не надо заводить архива,
Над рукописями трястись.
Цель творчества самоотдача,
А не шумиха, не успех.
Позорно ничего не знача,
Быть притчей на устах у всех.
Но надо жить без самозванства,
Так жить, что бы в конце концов
Привлечь к себе любовь пространства,
Услышать будущего зов.
И надо оставлять пробелы
В судьбе, а не среди бумаг,
Места и главы жизни целой
Отчеркивая на полях.
И окунаться в неизвестность,
И прятать в ней свои шаги,
Как прячется в тумане местность,
Когда в ней не видать ни зги.
Другие по живому следу
Пройдут твой путь за пядью пядь,
Но пораженья от победы
Ты сам не должен отличать.
И должен ни единой долькой
Не отступаться от лица,
Но быть живым, живым и только,
Живым и только до конца.

Очень милый стих. Набрёл на него случайно. Чем то он мне напоминает Даосских поэтов не требующих, как трава и камни признания.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Interplay of Energy in Communication with Other People

People are infinitely more complex than what we are used to in our daily education stemming from the highly controlled filtered environment of schools, our parents and peers. We don't get much from those institutions in terms of the real juice, real knowledge. We generally get some bits and pieces here and there that grow into a network of behavioral patterns. It is mostly conflict as we generally are not being taught principles of communication, although in some cultures that may not be exactly so. But in Western it is.

For example, "be polite" is a lived out phrase, as politeness is in a deep respect of the other person's inner nature, which is that, ultimately, of a luminous being. That is why the Indian "Namaste" refers to the greeting of the deity within. We generally just don't have time to figure these things out in this very busy life. But we can try at least....

As beings of energy we are infinitely more complex, we are not bound by patterns, and even socialization. In other words, since everything is in the state of a constant movement, flux (for the seer), even the "dead" matter is moving, albeit at slower rates. The communication are waves of energy being projected back and forth, they intertwine sometimes uniting people and bringing them closer, other times they are repelling, distancing, many create seemingly insurmountable barriers, hardly reachable. Waves upon waves upon waves, energy projecting energy. How does one deal with this sort of complexity in the daily life. It is not an easy question to answer as being aware of constant change is an art form, something that can be trained. Also, vision of this sort can be trained by letting go of patterns and habits. On a simple level, if you bang yourself on the wall, it is perhaps better not to try to bash through it.

In the work place, this is being signified by a certain rigidity of behavior, as there is a code to follow. However, mindlessly following such code leads not only to rigidity, but also to a loss of stature, as nobody is that perfect. So one must consider that there is a constant interplay of will that becomes the energy being projected outwardly. Just look at some of the Alex Grey paintings and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

So perhaps your co-worker is on the different wavelength. She is trying to achieve something that you don't perhaps understand. You can listen to her, and then respond properly, without trying to sound brash. In the case that she insists, perhaps that's the time to be more savvy, and have a tactic of how to avoid an unnecessary interference. Create a schedule, and have her follow an appointed time. Explain to her how important that is for your both success. If you need to avoid unnecessary contacts - just avoid them without having to have an excuse. Remember your priorities.

Study yourself in every way and know your emotional capacities. What you are capable of, and where the limits of your capabilities are being stretched - this is also the way of energy. The closer you come to seeing its flow, the less there should be a need for conflict, i.e. clash of interest as a resolving force. If you rely on the others to do that work for you, that may never come along, simply because there ain't no one that can be as interested in that as you. It is in your own interest to have your schedule strictly delineated in terms of what kind of influences are needed and what kind are not. Think about it, and you will see that just the fact that there is a lot of communication, does not necessarily mean that it is all needed to be there. Some of it must be dropped, other nurtured, and some new perhaps have to come into life. However, if you are starving for communication you won't see that difference, as if you a starving in anything - it all goes. All food, all people, it's all just seems like a gain. For someone who can discern the difference - things are different and some are preferable, while others are not. Take up the challenge - enter the world of energy and see for yourself.