Sunday, March 29, 2015
Healing (part 5): At a Distance
Healing at a distance is possible and is very effective, since the lack of visual contact often triggers the lesser used senses in the one conducting the session as well as in the one being healed. Also the question of faith comes in more acutely because the patient is asked to "have faith", while in a closer contact there is more reliance on actual "skill", and "luck". In reality, whatever that may be that's working, "faith" is used to side line the patient away from the concerns of illness and open the venues to healing. Healing undoubtedly requires a carefully thought out strategy. Take massage for example - if you keep poking into one spot it may or may not produce an effect, such as screaming (aa-a-a?). But you don't want the patient to just scream, you want the patient to feel relief and to get better until ultimately they are okay. So, avoid poking the places that hurt, instead, choose a place far away from the locality of pain concentration and tend to it for sometime, then another place, and then blend in the hurting spot in such manner as to have the patient believe that the hurting spot is just another (randomly or not) chosen locality. This is a good strategy to deal with the places that hurt.
Same at a distance. Tell the patient to have faith, to believe in their ultimate curing. This will first of all create a positive flow of energy and give them much needed hope, but what is more important it will take their mind away from the issue at hand. I noticed this many years ago while I was having conversations with my aunt in another country who was very sick at the time, how important it was for her to hear that "things will be okay". She truly felt relieved, and if you think about it - that is exactly the logic. I attributed the positive effects to just what I was talking about in the preceding paragraph.
Healing at a distance includes "sending waves". Now they may not be literally seen by anyone, but tending to any particular part of the body, or the patient's mind at a distance is a sending of the waves. Or perhaps activating little energetic power blasts, however you want to look at it. To many it may seem like a miracle that such healing may take place at all, but if you look at what I have said above, it is not really a miracle. It is just that having symptoms of recovery feels very very good, and the more, the better. Ultimately, that is why people become so concerned with religious matters.
There is this whole thing about spirituality. We don't have to worry about what happens on the higher planes. They will do pretty well even without our believing in them. It is us who need consolation and it is us who need to be convinced that "there is something out there", and so on and so forth.
Anyways, back to the healing at a distance. If you are an aspiring healer, such as myself, don't waste an opportunity to practice your craft. But you have to be smart, as the energy although infinite in essence, is not infinite in practice. Often times it takes a long while before there is enough energy to have another session. Plus, working with one individual may require several sessions, or even years of contact. Practice massage to get all that energy generated and stored.
So when they leave, or you leave, keep in mind that although the physical contact breaks, the contact between the luminous bodies exists still, sometimes even for the rest of the lifetimes, unless you do something like recapitulation (please see the post The Practice of Recapitulation for reference) Try to see that, and use that to better your craft. This requires careful examination, because it has to do with what in the Eastern philosophies came to be known as the "Ultimate Reality". Interconnectedness of all there is, may be a part of such reality, but it is not easy to get to this point. It wasn't easy for me, and it is not easy for anyone else. Once you do though, you will be surprised at how much more digestible and believable everything becomes. All is connected! how profound.
Healing at a distance requires a very high level of detachment and an uncanny cat-like ability to sense the changes of the flow, the wind. The more acute your cat-like sense, the more effectively you will be able to produce the desired effect. It is the feeling of ultimate abandon yet control, as the sick individual usually travels to the regions of consciousness that are considered "bad" roads. They are canals that has sometimes not been tended by a master gardener for many years, others are simply impossible to renovate. Despite the overwhelming odds, the healer-shaman makes his journey, sometimes knowing deep down that there is no hope.
The healer-shamans of the past, and in rare cases present were known for their indisputable ability to communicate with "the other side", the world of the unseen, the spirit world, and of the dead. Although we certainly can only marvel at their ability of such communication and friendliness with what seems like a totally dark forest to even the best of us, we cannot ignore the fact that that is something to strive for, and that is where the achievement in this sometimes very obscure field of knowledge lies.
p.s. I will have to dedicate a separate post to the "the other side" and things of that matter.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
A post about humor, that's funny. A treaties from the clown who made it to the writing pad, ha ha.
No, but seriously why write about something as simple and at the same time as stupefying as "humor"? WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT LAUGHING, EH?
Well, that's just it - we all need it! Young or old, clever and dumb. Beautiful and on-the-way-to it - all need to stretch the corners of their mouths sometimes, and grin.
Unfortunately, this very spontaneous exercises is not being done much as human beings tend to take themselves very very seriously. I mean it's all just so serious and grim. Just note how the usual day of an office worker is laid out
1) Wake up. this is the most torturous part of the day. It usually causes immense psychological and psychic damage. Waking up has to be done fast for the fear of being late somewhere, to work for example. But this fast waking up doesn't stop with the week days - it continues on to weekends and vacations. A true devotee of the system always wakes up early and fast, not allowing her dreaming body to fully come back into the physical body. So she is never fully awake, and never fully rested. The working ability is thus diminished and everything else goes to hell.
2) Coffee. The most powerful of all addictions of the true devotee of the system. Without it there is no waking up and starting of the day as such. All agree that they are addicted and start bobbing their heads up and down and from side to side upon mentioning the number one magic brew - coffee. Coffee is widely available, although usually mediocre in quality as it is pre-grinded and machine-brewed, which I think is a great recipe for failure. But they charge a lot! Nevertheless, let's remember that we don't get what we pay for, so no surprise here.
3) Commute. This is where we first hit it off with the Big Brother. Bus or car or whatever you are using, the roads, the tolls the other people who you'd rather not see, the annoyance on the radio for not playing your favorite song, all comes down to one thing - you'd rather stay home. Yes, what could be better than the protective aura of your favorite dwelling, often times rented? But, since there is no choice, we wake up have a coffee and commute, as this is the only way to happiness.
4) Work place. Work work work. The only possible way to spend your day. If you work - you belong. If you don't - you belong to something else, like a different cult or something. Of course, no one truly cares what you do during your date time, but they are all very eager to judge according to their underdeveloped standards. Yes, their standards are always and always will be underdeveloped, as none of them - not the gurus, not the leaders, know what you should be doing instead. Only you know or at least have the possibility to know. So, don't get frustrated with the opinions, they will always exist. But remember, if you spend 8 hours every day of your life in one place, there must be a deeper meaning to that. The deeper meaning is "shtick". This is your "shtick"., Go look it up in the ducktionary.
5). Happy Hour. "Oooh I'm so happy we are so happy we are going to have a HAPPY hour!" But is that hour really "happy"? I doubt that it has all the qualities of true happiness - solid base, abandon, balance. Nope, this "happy hour" is there so you could let go of your unnecessary cash by giving too much of it to those do-eyed Irish waitresses who seem to pay attention specifically to you on that evening. They are just so attentive, smiling, but shrewd as god forbid you don't leave them the required tip. The you are skewered boy! No smiles for you anymore. Take a hike you cheap bastard. And what is that in your cup? A $12 sip of whiskey? Fuggetaboutit! This place is too damn noisy for you to be happy. Go home and get yourself a whole bottle for twice as much. You will be much happier.
6) The rest. Not the "rest" as in relaxing and coming to your senses. The rest of the evening! Something to do when you already have done the most important things - woke up, worked and happy hour. This is the most obscure part of the day and it usually involves some very weird manipulations. Such as for example if you are drunk - you will change the course of history by instead of going home, you will go and sit in the park! GOD FORBID! You may get in trouble with your spouse for that, as she or he didn't know where you were, which implies cheating which is of course something that you would never have thought about have you not gone to a happy hour. The fight with the spouse is optional, but is one of those necessary evils, as one of you have fallen into a habit of complaining about your fate. Oh it could have been so much better! But WAIT, there is still hope! You have a bottle stashed up in your dwelling! It will provide a welcome respite from all that fighting, and unlike the HAPPY DAMNED HOUR you won't have to tip anyone. Just pour and enjoy!
So, oh the beloved true devotee to the system. Close your eyes, and sleep as tomorrow is another same day, and you will have to wake up fast and furious, ready to have your coffee, do your morning ablutions and commute, as this is your routine. And yes there is a deeper meaning to it and this is came to be known by the ancient Hebrews as the "shtick" - your personal piece of the cheese cake. Can you change it?
Healing (part 4): Prayer/Incantation/Mantra
According to non other than Mike Tyson (the new Mike Tyson), " The family that prays together - stays together". There is a big truth in that statement, as a prayer may be likened to a spiritual healing for an individual due to its connecting power, or same for a family for the same reason, but I am not advocating consistent prayer as I don't personally pray very often. What I would like to talk about is the use of sound in the healing session.
It is an ages old adage that melody is created to accompany something serious or fun, like going to war with a song or singing at the festivities. This practice unfortunately has seized to exist in a modern philosophy of healing, as the most sound the doctor makes is when he talks to the patient about his condition, etc. The surgeon even less so, which does not mean that the power of the word uttered by a surgeon is diminished of course. However, raising of a certain vibration with the sound of the voice can be very helpful for setting up the stage and especially for connecting with a spiritual power, a protector, a deity that you would like to involve in your session. An example is using a mantra for Medicine Buddha in a Buddhist tradition, or a prayer for Mother Mary, or for the Shakti, and so on so forth.
Beginning a session with an invocation can be a meaningful experience as it will get the patient into a right place and space in terms of their spiritual state. If there is agitation - it may calm it. If there is too much passivity - it may raise the energy level a bit. Perhaps you need to manipulate the environment a bit? See, that is something that modern scientific practice doesn't think much about - manipulating the environment, everything is just sterile and professional. As we touched on this subject, your "office" or a workspace should be imbued with life. Clean, yes, but don't overdo it as sometimes even the dust and dirt of the place have power to heal. This is something that is hard to explain. But in the world where EVERYTHING is alive, even dust and dirt are. That is something that has to do with the personal power of the practitioner.
As for the set prayers and mantras, you have to be a devotee of that particular force in order for that force to come into effect, to answer your call. For me silence works best, but I think that a prayer or a mantra known by heart can be very effective too. Just like I said, if you devote yourself to the worship of that particular deity or a force - it should answer your call, and it will.
Please don't underestimate the power of this, as even though we are not in the Middle Ages (whatever that may mean:), the invocations are power tools for someone who practices healing. What makes them powerful is not necessarily their age (and most of them are very old, at least in their idea). What makes them effective is the experience and the charisma of the practitioner, in other words their personal power. Which is a sum total of everything that we are.
To switch off and talk a little bit about the personal power. I didn't invent the notion, I am just simply bringing it to you. Long I resisted a notion that personal power is all that matters, and found it almost heretical to even talk about things of this sort. But I changed since then, and now I do believe, that destiny or fate is non-other than personal power. Please study this notion if you want.
Back to the sound. Is there such thing as a holy sound? A holy mantra? Well, now that you know about the personal power you can say yes, there is such a thing, but it depends on one who utters the sounds. In other words, if you take an amateur, and make him practice healing invoking all kinds of mantras, she may or may not be effective as there will have to be a "talent" component, which is in fact personal power. But if you take an experienced practitioner, it may or may not work too, no guarantee here! Although the probability is higher due to their experience. But no guarantee, because that will also depend on how much of the connection with the spirit that person have been able to develop. And THAT is where the difference lies. A powerful practitioner is better at beaconing the spirit while the less powerful - not so much. It doesn't even matter how much they have been practicing. Neither does it depend on their certifications etc. as it is that subtle force that decides who is better and who is not. Think about this please, because it deserves some thought. . This is a bit more complicated than expecting the prayer to be heard from archbishop for example, and not really trusting a simple monk. But the notion is not completely dissimilar. Both cultivate their connection to the unseen world.
To conclude, please take a look at my post called Spirit, and you will see that the concept of "kiai" is no different in essence from the incantation. See you soon,
With Love,
Friday, March 20, 2015
Healing (part 2): Self-Healing
Because self-healing is so arduous of a process, not many start, and even less continue and finish it. In its foundation, self-healing revolves around the philosophy that we are never completely healthy. That may sound a bit depressing, but I think whoever came up with this notion, saw through their mind's eye that during our lifetimes we experience continuous depletions of our energy level, so healing here is identified as the opposite - filling up of our energy level, which includes taking care of our luminous energetic structure.
For me self-healing officially started many years ago when I was a depressed teenager still coming out of that dark ages that were the high school and the 1st or so years of college. Even though I was good and was functioning pretty well in general I felt somewhat depleted. There was a constant unsettling feeling in me that I couldn't explain and although I was a jolly kid, I still felt that there was something missing in my life. As I mentioned in another post, I took up philosophy and exercised to make myself feel better. But that was only the beginning, and although I thank the Protectors, and Others for providing myself with the chance to lift myself out, I have to say that that was only a beginning of a very long process, throughout which the only constant that has remained is probably my own basic ignorance about the cause and effect. Alas, I was to experience a revival and when my family moved to a different neighborhood I met new friends and started doing yoga and meditating and going to the park to work on some parallel bars and such. That was a great feeling and my life experienced an overall shift. It lasted for quite a while, during which people came and went, but I remained true to my daily practice.
I have gotten into Tantric Yoga and Daoist Alchemy, and was silly enough to think that I could teach myself all of that with the help of books only. From today's perspective, "What was I thinking?!" and yet I did teach myself something, under the guise of self-healing. It was a major drive for me. As I never thought about stopping, I was doing it all simply for myself. It was my own wellbeing that mattered to me, my own happiness, my own health. And so I felt very comfortable doing my daily routines and reading my books, and communicating with all the wonderful people who invariably become a part of anyone's path.
It was self-healing that took me on the road, and showed me a little bit of how rich and diverse and yet same the world is.
Although I am describing it in a lineal format my life was far from lineal. And I didn't choose to call it "self-healing" by choice. I had many issues, with which I started dealing then. I was cruel and clueless and felt okay with being a user. I wasn't full of gratitude and haven't had a chance to recognize the greater forces that were at work in my life. I was kind of happy though and managed to maintain a degree of independence from my friends. I had many throughout the years, and yet not many are remaining now. May be they don't like me healthy and awake:).
Self Healing takes a form of exorcism when you allow yourself to be fully immersed into the feeling of losing your ground, opening yourself up to the Greater Out-There and realizing the pain of being separate from the universe as well as the more expansive aspects of yourself. One such form is cathartic behavior which to the onlooker may seem as though you have gone insane. Such behavior takes place during sessions when someone is working on you or you are simply meditating or doing recapitulation or whatever your particular method is. It sometimes shows in grimaces, or speaking voices and languages, body gesturing or twitching. It feels as though something is pushing it out of you. I think that mainly has to do with the fact that our personalities are made of deep layers of thoughts, experiences and emotions picked up throughout our lifetimes. With some of them we are born. When you come to awareness of complexity of our beings, everything that doesn't fall within the parameters of your "normal" behavior will seem freakish, like a devil. Of course that takes us into different questions about the nature of good and evil and I would like to dedicate a separate post to that.
To conclude this small chapter, self healing becomes invaluable when you have to deal with simple, but sometimes uncomfortable things like stomachache or cold. Making yourself a cup of chamomile tea is self healing, taking a relaxing healing bath is self healing. In other words, when you know what to do, from your gut, you don't need to run to a doctor and pay lots and lots of money for something that could be taken care of simply by using a little imagination and intuition. Self-reliance was taken to be one of the greatest virtues practiced by the ancients.
Another thing, when one goes through that critical stage during the self-healing process and they haven't hit the so-called point 0, the person is very vulnerable, this is dangerous time, as they are apt to many external influences. It is good to have friends who are as passionate about what you do as much as you. It may be crucial to have those people around you, that you can trust. They can support you and vice versa. Doing it alone is somewhat harder, not impossible but much harder. Even the Native American warriors on their vision quests could rely on somebody to return to, their family, their tribe, their totem group. How much more it is needed for us, the less organized, and the more lost ones in the face of nature and its uninhibited forces?
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Nosotros Vamos afuera
Yo soy truhan y un seƱor, un jugador que no carisias,
No quiero escribir nadie, pero vivo siempre rapido con clase
Los flores - se murio con el tiempo pasado,
Yo tam bien muerto,
Pero aye una fuerza ay que tiene no razon, siempre razones,
Idioma divina que no possible explicar,
Como mi lengua - no perfecto,
Perfecto un pajaro grande, negro,
que tiene hambre todo tiempo
Thursday, March 5, 2015
The Practice of Recapitulation (part II)

While doing recapitulation, the adept comes to understand many things. One of them is how complicated the world of energy is. In it, everything has a meaning and is pervaded with life. We can see how animism is connected to the visions of the old adepts of this art, as initially it wasn't about worship of anything, it was about going in and living in the second attention. That is where the "belief" that all is alive comes from. Conversely, it leads to the veneration of the objects and is generally confining, in other words it is a path away from freedom. I hope that you can see that I am an animist at heart, but I am also a seer in spirit, so I can see how much the attachment to objects stops the energy and lands on one particular position of accumulation of material wealth. And there ain't nothing wrong with that! Since on the deeper level, the main attraction is still energy, various kinds and varieties of it. Thus, a fascination that many have with antique and vintage objects. It is impossible to describe the magnetism that an old venerated object can have. Though I do not think that those who collect them, understand that magnetism in terms of energy. If they would, perhaps it would be easier to let go of any such valuable object from" the collection". Hey, thanks for reading my blog.) And no, you don't have to let go of any valuable objects that you have, especially that clock.
The warrior is constantly in deep communion with the Abstract, and doing recapitulation shows just how profound that connection can be. The memories, oh those memories that take up so much of our time, and regulate our behavior even after many years have passed...Why not just resolve all the conflicts once and for all?...breath in and breath out...
I did not realize the power of recap until a few years ago when I met a group of esteemed practitioners here in the town X, they reminded me something that I have seemed to have forgotten - I need to continue to recapitulate! Coinciding with several other important events in my life, I went back to this practice, and boy, was I in for few surprises. I have accumulated so many memories, and have cultivated so many relationships, family, friendship and otherwise that my life would seem anything but empty and boring. While recapitulating I realized that my persistent feeling of being lonely is a lie, and illusion that I have long cultivated for whatever reasons. Indeed, it is true that the "warrior's life is filled to the brim". Literally if you think about it, even the spaces in between are filled with something, thus making the web of connections much more subtle and infinitely more complex.
At the beginning of recapitulation one encounters an usher, a powerful event from an energetic standpoint that "takes you in" so to speak, just like an usher does. It is an interesting and a rewarding process to look for an usher, and find that starting line if you should have one at all.
I am gradually coming to understand what is an usher, but parallely I am also receiving visionary messages about other things, like the one that I am researching at the time, or otherwise anything in that Out-verse. I am starting to make connections, and am realizing that I am diving deeper into dreaming. It is a revelation because I have not realized how interconnected the stalking and dreaming are. My heart is beating faster just thinking about it. Undisputedly, one needs a sense of sobriety, a calm, powerful sense that there is no worry, no rush, and there is plenty of time for pretty much anything that has to be done. I think one can start getting this sense from the practice of recapitulation. In turn, having some sobriety can lead to a more stable sense that you are actually improving your practice, and not just turning the head back and fro for no reason, other than to relax and feel rested.
In terms of general behavior, a warrior to be aims for impeccability which is none other than a proper use of energy. Of course, it is more complicated as one needs to think very deeply about this sort of stuff for the lack of guidance from a benefactor. If you do have the grace of having one - even better. It has been becoming better for me because I am becoming benefactor for other people, and that's quite nice, as I get to practice Toltec virtues, for the lack of a better term, in much wider world of interconnections, and that is very rewarding.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
The Practice of Recapitulation (part I)
There is perhaps no more profound practice for a warrior of the unknown than that of recapitulation. I can't describe the full scope of this practice in its totality, but I will try for the sake of spirit that brought me to this, and for the sake of those who are starting off on this as well as real friends on the Toltec Path.
The recapitulation consists of 3 main prerequisites. The crate, the list, and the breath. The crate is the place where you do it. The list is the list of all the people you have known throughout your live. It can be written down. And finally the fan breath which includes rotating your head from right to left and then back while breathing in and out consequently with the turning of the head. It is assumed that you have a good posture, which involves a pretty straight spine, but the book describes a comfortable cave setting, not a perfectly straight wall for a support but somewhat convex, so let's keep that in mind too.
When one first hears about recapitulation, it is like a clap of thunder. What?! The list of ALL people in life? That's impossible! And indeed it is at first. The recommendation that we receive from Carlos is that one should start from about now and gradually go back in time. Or else we hear that one should first recapitulate all the sexual and romantic encounters, and then everything else.
It doesn't matter where you start as long as you do, but I have come to believe that it does make sense to pay very meticulous attention to all the sexual and romantic encounters that you have had in your life. This brings us to the question of energy, and its dispersion throughout our lifetime.
Energy comes in many forms in Carlos' books, but for our conversation we just need to know that the sexual energy is a very valued commodity because it is used as a fuel in the motor of consciousness in order to propel 1st the consciousness and later the assemblage point to where it needs to go. We shouldn't underestimate how important it is to understand that if you have enough energy, some of the fits of power outlined in the books will not seem so outrageous and far out, as nothing is, and it is a matter of having the energy and moving into that space where the understanding occurs.
Gathering of precious energetic nuggets is a long and sometime painful process, but if you know what is at stake you will most likely aim for control of the inevitable loss of energy that comes from daily living and from not being aware of its existence and the repercussions of such losses. In other words, no matter how loud is the thunder clap, we still think its only a summer rain. It is a continuous process, one that requires quite a stupendous effort on the part of an adept. Not everyone wants to get it and not everyone does as no one is guaranteed success in this endless endeavor. What saves is the understanding of the benefits and poetry that becomes an inevitable juice out of the juice maker. It makes the practice so alive that sometimes one wonders if there are others involved.
Everyone can have a shot at recapitulation. You don't need a royal permission. Just sit down and start breathing together with the turning of your head. Soon you will realize that you can't remember anything, but gradually with some effort your assemblage point will shift and you will remember, sometimes in great detail things that you didn't think would be possible to remember. The more you do it, the better you become at it.
The recapitulation consists of 3 main prerequisites. The crate, the list, and the breath. The crate is the place where you do it. The list is the list of all the people you have known throughout your live. It can be written down. And finally the fan breath which includes rotating your head from right to left and then back while breathing in and out consequently with the turning of the head. It is assumed that you have a good posture, which involves a pretty straight spine, but the book describes a comfortable cave setting, not a perfectly straight wall for a support but somewhat convex, so let's keep that in mind too.
When one first hears about recapitulation, it is like a clap of thunder. What?! The list of ALL people in life? That's impossible! And indeed it is at first. The recommendation that we receive from Carlos is that one should start from about now and gradually go back in time. Or else we hear that one should first recapitulate all the sexual and romantic encounters, and then everything else.
It doesn't matter where you start as long as you do, but I have come to believe that it does make sense to pay very meticulous attention to all the sexual and romantic encounters that you have had in your life. This brings us to the question of energy, and its dispersion throughout our lifetime.
Energy comes in many forms in Carlos' books, but for our conversation we just need to know that the sexual energy is a very valued commodity because it is used as a fuel in the motor of consciousness in order to propel 1st the consciousness and later the assemblage point to where it needs to go. We shouldn't underestimate how important it is to understand that if you have enough energy, some of the fits of power outlined in the books will not seem so outrageous and far out, as nothing is, and it is a matter of having the energy and moving into that space where the understanding occurs.
Gathering of precious energetic nuggets is a long and sometime painful process, but if you know what is at stake you will most likely aim for control of the inevitable loss of energy that comes from daily living and from not being aware of its existence and the repercussions of such losses. In other words, no matter how loud is the thunder clap, we still think its only a summer rain. It is a continuous process, one that requires quite a stupendous effort on the part of an adept. Not everyone wants to get it and not everyone does as no one is guaranteed success in this endless endeavor. What saves is the understanding of the benefits and poetry that becomes an inevitable juice out of the juice maker. It makes the practice so alive that sometimes one wonders if there are others involved.
Everyone can have a shot at recapitulation. You don't need a royal permission. Just sit down and start breathing together with the turning of your head. Soon you will realize that you can't remember anything, but gradually with some effort your assemblage point will shift and you will remember, sometimes in great detail things that you didn't think would be possible to remember. The more you do it, the better you become at it.
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