Friday, January 30, 2015

Looking within, what do you see?

Hi I'm Iggy Spirit,
And this is my first blog on Google. It is dedicated to the Path of Knowledge and Self-Transformation of which I have been a part of for the last 15-something years.

I consider myself an adept, because I don't think that an exercise in itself is sufficient to reach an exalted state of being. Thus, one starts to look inside. To look inside for me means to sit with the straight back in a comfortable posture and close eyes. When your attention is turned inward you cannot help but start to go into that sacred space, by which I mean the suprapersonal space, if I may put it that way, that allows oneself to stop time and space, thus rejuvenating the seeker, and allowing herself to feel a part of the indivisible whole, that is Universe. This is available at all times. All that is needed is a little bit of effort.

I really think that such practice has a potential of making one very fulfilled individual, but it is not without backlashes. One of which is that you begin to loose many of the sophisticated armor systems, that you have had a chance to develop during lifetime. For example, I am 36 now, but I keep wondering on about how much I have been able to accumulate during seemingly turbulence-free life time. Indeed, that turbulence, and the freedom of it, are what we are looking to see.

So, perhaps you are the 1st reader of this blog. You are a busy individual, and have found it impossible to find a free minute, or so for a poetry in your life. But you know something is going on out there. Something is happening. So, perhaps it is time for you to sit down with perhaps a little support, and take a breather. Close your eyes, and disconnect. Think about where you are and breath deeply. What do you hear? And what do you see, what do you feel? Take your time, and enjoy this process, and I wish you a happy rejuvenating:)

Iggy Spirit.