Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Center of Time

One of the mysterious and less explored concepts in Daoism and Tai Chi Chuan is the so-called  Shr Jng  also known as the "Center of Time". Shr Jng was also the name of the famed Professor Cheng Man Ching's school located on Bowery street in New York's Village.

Despite its notoriety for the reputation as the main one, the concept of Shr Jng remains elusive because it refers to the state where you are in a middle of things, but untouched by them. You are fully but not rigidly aware, relaxed and even flowing with things - this is a perfect state to be in for a martial artist, as well as someone who is simply seeking to be enlightened, because things are informing you, rather than you informing yourself thus connecting with the Universe around you becomes more of a reality than just a mere invention of some writer or a mythical reality not achievable with modern means.

It becomes harder when the Center of Time needs to be actually experienced, as it is a reality like any other state such as relaxation or stress, which are more common, but it requires tremendous amount of practice, that is not commonly covered it would seem. Why it would seem that way? Just check out the Youtube and see and hear what the guys are talking about.

To continue, the Center of Time is an "internal" concept, in other words it does not come with a technique, but is an off shoot of a quality of the mind, that quality that is also responsible for intuition and deeper levels of the insight. You cannot be a shallow uninterested human being if you want to know more about the center of time - protecting yourself with fleeting things is not a plus either. Dedication however is, and if you have chosen any particular system you will be happy to know that it is there, hiding within just like the future flower is hidden inside the seed.

There is a line in the Tai Chi Classic by Wang Tsung-Yueh which says something like "an old man defeating a group of youngsters, how can that be possible?" it doesn't however give you the answer, and the reader is kept wondering in peculiar style, however one of the answers is - the Center of Time. Having no strength an old man is left with the skill, of which the Center of Time is probably one of the highest indicators.

Even those who have experienced this seem to still be processing it, and going further with trying to understand it more fully. There is no way to understand it - you can only function in it. "Straying by a hair length - you are many miles off the path".

the Center of Time can definitely not be bought, and it is questionable whether it even can be taught. One wonders whether it can even be learned. I would say that it can, but one has to arrive at a non-learning.

All in all this post wasn't meant as an educational material but rather a rumination of something that has been happening there and there. So strive to be in the Center of Time, its beautiful - but don't forget to keep your desires in check...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Celestial Phantasy

The Old God Xuan Wu was flying high on his daily route. Neither attached nor detached he felt just fine in his ethereal being free from the stratospheric charms. Why worry, he didn't even think about his own creation - the Xuan Wu Tian - Heaven of his own design. Beside him - two Dakinis, the Revealers of Manifestations - perfectly in tune with their ancient roles.

The Old God Xuan Wu had only one thought - how high he was. And he was indeed very high where only the highest of clouds can be seen - beyond is space.

Ahead, there was radiating some golden glitter - as though a golden fountain was erupting from some source. The Dakini Ai noticed first and the Dakini Shi Zhu was second one to notice - they will argue about that later over the cup of heavenly nectar pervaded only in the Xuan Wu Heaven.

As it turned out upon a closer examination - some 100 000 li away there was a magnificent being - the Golden Dragon of the Gate taking his monthly Chi Bath in the Spacial Chi Currents That Renew Life. The Golden Dragon of the Gate was so happy that his long golden mustache were all over the place as he was laughing out loud to himself about only what his Dragon mind knew what.

The Old God Xuan Wu had a compelling thought "He believes love is greater than power?"...
As if hearing his thoughts the Golden Dragon of the Gate approached and greeted a being equal - "Greetings! What brings you out of the esteemed heaven out into this space oh Old God Xuan Wu?"" And who are your beautiful consorts?" Xuan Wu laughed with pleasure as he viewed the eyes ever full of fire of the Dragon who was there for millions of years. "Oh the respected Golden Dragon, what can we discuss being as perfect as we are?" "My two lovely consorts are the Celestial Dakinis Ai and Shi Zhu who are known for their creative and martial prowess and know how to please the spacial mechanisms as well as the ethereal and terrestrial chthonic sources!" They are my great advisors and without them I don't like to travel!"

"That is a great news indeed!" exclaimed the Golden Dragon of the Gate. "As my Supracelestial vision has been improving I see more and more sense in just being!" "It is as though I have never been born - which I haven't! I perceive only what is and what isn't is unmanifested under the cover of space! Wonderful indeed!"

To that Old God Xuan Wu replied,

"Wondrous indeed! Although I have never been interested in viewing the perceived causes, to me it is fine that things are being what they are, as their manifestation is a fine design that is self-revealing  on a positive scale!"

"Oh well now the respected God!", have interjected the Golden Dragon of the Gate, "Are you saying that the destructive Lowly Ignorant Myths that have threatened to consume the Universe, which is impossible a long time ago are non-existent?"

With laughter, the Old God replied, "The Lowly Ignorant Myths my dear Celestial Colleague are as you know are a non-result of consumption that the Celestials have to face during their prolonged existence!" That simply means that we have to expect the Myths to be what they are, as our Hour of Zenith is non-existent. Ha ha ha ha!!"

As the Golden Dragon was choking with laughter, the two Dakinis were busy listening and discussing the already known facts. Ai said "Well, then if everything is in such a pervasive state of non-flux, why Xuan Wu hasn't retired yet? He is still as active as if the womb of the Nebula Tsa has manifested him only a million years ago? He is such a Child of his Ancestors!" To which Dakini Shi Zhu replied knowingly "The Non-Existent is in the constant non-flux, thus the Golden Dragon of the Gate is always dancing in his interaction with the Perfect Dragon Realm of the Interior Celestial Dance Hall."

This caused quite a stir, and for many thousands of years the group would be willing to admit that there is the Inner Dragon Realm, of which the Golden Dragon of the Gate is the Power Evolving and Promoting Host ....

To be Continued......

What is Tai Chi Sword?

Tai Chi Sword is an excellent tool for developing energy, the chi. What makes it different from the say Japanese sword, the Nihonto is that it is a double-edged sword thus the technique is essentially different. However I think it is better to look at the sword as the leaf that you hold in your hand rather than the sharpened piece of metal meant to cause damage. Because when you see sword in the way, you are compelled to carry it around carefully and not just jam it in to the air trying to make a cut, which is in turn great for developing the jin - internal energy that Tai Chi is known for. That is Tai Chi done right.

The cuts and thrusts done with the Tai Chi Sword are accomplished using weight shifts and turn of the weight, considering that you have already finished the form and familiar with the push-hands practice. In fact this basic body technique is so crucial that without it the sword won't even properly work. Yes I realize that the sword is heavy enough and being sharp enough can cut just by application of its own weight. However, this is not enough to know the sword. Grounding and the weight distribution are crucial.

As the hands are only "manifestations" of the energy - so is sword a manifestation of the energy. As such it requires a very accurate technique and a very precise vision of how it works and what doesn't and would not work. After all our ancestors used it for combat and relied on it in some complicated life-and-death confrontations. So looking from this perspective working with the practice sword, made out of wood won't necessarily have you mastered the whole of the art. And yet, steel Tai Chi sword may be deceptively easy it wield thus compromising the necessary practice needed to have the aforementioned body technique.

Tai Chi repertoire of cuts and thrusts, blocks and deflections has no match in my opinion - everything else looks simply brutish in comparison. Doesn't mean that it is not aesthetically pleasing or effective. I am talking more about the richness of the glossary. This puts in light other double swords of the world - the Western one for example, used from Russia to Scotland for many century, a very evolved weapon. Applying the Tai Chi principles it becomes clear that sword wasn't used to bang it up against other warrior's shield, which would simply break it or have it stuck in the wood. Neither it is a great practice to apply hard blocks to stop one sword against the other, which would nick the blade, or bend it.

To add to the problem of understanding swordsmanship - a steel sword was a weapon of the upper classes, expensive, exclusive, and many times unique. Why would anyone want to ruin that treasure?

So, looking at the graceful Tai Chi weapon, developed by ages of application I think to myself - is this a weapon or a beautiful leaf, dropped from the tree of life by the great God?
Is it a weapon of gore and destruction, or a double-holed straw breathing in and out the energy and the jin, feeling its practitioner with knowledge of what is it really like to wield a tool of self-cultivation, peace and health?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Итак ещё раз об алхимии...

Итак, ещё раз об алхимии. Внутренней алхимии. Внутренняя алхимия это всеохватывающий взгляд на жизнь. В отличии от внешней алхимии - химии, ты находишься во внутренней лаборатории, тобишь своего тела. Тантрики индийской традиции нам говорят что алхимя это соединение двух каналов иды и пингалы - левого и правого в центральном - сушумне. Эти два канала поднимаются вдоль спинного мозга от сакральной кости практически к верхушке головы (посмотрите книжку Хариша Джохари, с очень красивыми картинками) .

Алхимик/йог соединяет оба канала в центральном. Шива/Шакти становятся Единым. Конечно на моём уровне трудно говорить о каких то конечныx целях или результатах. Но я могу замолвить кое что о том что я называю работа с ассимиляцией энергий. Это любовь. Любовь не меньшая чем у Иисуса к человечеству. Её можно только культивировать. "Культивация любви?", "почему," вы спросите "не соcтрадания, как это называется в буддийской традиции?" "или даже просто ничего"? Я обобщаю всё под термином "любовь" но имею ввиду в основном любовь к себе, потому что когда вы видите свои любые качества в других то естественно что вы будете относиться к другим так , как вы бы хотели чтобы относилились к вам. К себе же вы будете относиться лучше я думаю. Это не значит что вы будете себе первому накладывать гречневую кашу, и говорить себе перед зеркалом какой или какая вы хорошая и милая, но может быть в какой то мере и значит.

Исходя из вышесказанного ассимилиция энергий это следующий процесс.
1) Узнавание - вы узнаёте что то. "О - этого я ещё не знаю!"
2) Познавание - "что это?" И грубо говоря "с чем это едят?"
3) Сама ассимиляция - "моё". и так далее...

Это ОЧЕНЬ простая схема. Сам процесс естественно долгий и сложный. Об этом можно сказать написаны трактаты во всех четырёх частях света. Изучайте их, помните главное смелость. Как говорили древние - "Audaces fortuna iuvat".

И ещё добавочка - об искусности. Мы все хотим быть по-своему искусниками. То есть людьми которые что то могут. Но в таких серьёзныx психосоматических практиках не кому ничего доказывать а тем более учить. Отчёт только перед самим собой. Соответственно рекомендуется некоторое уединиение. Это не значит чтом нужно прекращать свою дневную деятельность, но хотя бы неплохо знать что мы все ученики, и на самом деле кружки по медитации, то есть сообщества - это так, чтобы пообщаться. Многим мешает это общение. По этому здесь нужно думать какой тип общения вам больше всего подойдёт.