Thursday, June 6, 2019

Good sourcerer/Bad sourcerer

Good - he mounts cloud early - he sprays the rain abound,
he wishes well to people, the lunar chains unbound.
He plays with fire/water, his dreams are never written,
His real thoughts are nectar, his sounds always hidden.
No contest ever claimed he, no knowledge ever hid,
His real purpose - freedom, and plenty of good will.

Bad - crawled out of earth cavern, his evil vision claimed,
the minions of insects unleashed on fertile fields,
Desire is his fire, and sin invented he,
Made empty vase of flowers and cursed creatures of the day
He meditates in anger and wishes all be dead,
no little daisy flower he under pillow held.

They met in special zone, unknown to mortal men,
"So, how you ve been my brother? "The good one asked and grinned.
The evil smile spread on other's bearded face,
"What? You ask me how I am I? Why don't you just drop dead?"
"You are always angry, hurt, you've had no healing, and
Why don't you heal the soul the that you so longing for?"
"Well, you are so mistaken, really", the other uttered soon,
"No matter what my purpose, death will claim us all,
You and me do differ, for I have died of pain.
And you have lost the contest no powers you have claimed."
"Oh silly man, how could I have contested with you,
The only death I ve known, is fear - that I spew."
"Good bye my earthly brother and may you rest in peace,"
"I doubt you will see it, go listen to some Kiss."
