Monday, November 28, 2016

How to meet your Soulmate (instructions for a seeker of one true love)

Although self promotion is not my major concern, I have to confess that I have no problem with the word/phrase soulmate. I think meeting someone you truly appreciate, your second half so to speak is important, and should be a priority for those who haven't yet found one, and who are looking to have someone of that rank in their lives...

So how to meet a soulmate? I am not giving out anything secret or taboo when I say - you have to want it. Check with your desire - what is it that you really want? If that is really your desire, I think you have all the rights and reasons to meet the person who suits you most. Now, whether THAT is a soulmate has to be figured out along the way, and there is no one simple answer. Reason for that being that the 2 people have to be able to grow and change together, and these are not just words. People grow, people change naturally and unnaturally. Sometimes they look nothing like the people you have met in a first place. Other times the transformation is truly miraculous and makes you just holler and weep in astonishment, like some sort of a deity just came along and changed the person with the magic wand. So there is that, and there are other things too.

So a few words of advice to help you meet your soulmate and with gods blessings may you be on your way to that great path of love and understanding, and not too much fighting;)

1) Be open. By that I mean that you have to allow for people to be there in your lives, and not just sit there at home and think that the person will magically manifest themselves in the middle of the room. Although there is truth to the story of Pygmalion who created a sculpture so beautiful and so imbued with life that it became alive, we shouldn't just hope that the sculptures will turn into women/men in life as a rule. Please check, when you meet someone if they are a sculpture or a human so there are no complaints later on.

2) Acceptance. When the person comes along - be attentive! Naturally, you want to be either liked or disliked, but if liking is that which you want be attentive to that person. Listen to them. Listen to their story. What are they manifesting? Pain and sorrow, joy and contention? Are they exactly what you think they are? It is good to see these things right away in the first stages - even the first dates.

3) Freedom. Now, if you don't like the person, but you feel that you are being drawn into something outside of your volition, you have to make sure that you don't make the wrong choice just because....Be firm, and let them know that it is time for you to move on. Sometimes, there is no other way dear, and I have found out through sometimes rather harsh experiences that if you don't tell sooner, later it becomes so much more harder, that it becomes a big problem. Prevent big problems, and rationalize how much that person is fitting your parameters now, but once you have decided keep going with the firm resolve. By the way ladies I am single - no I'm just kidding:) but anyways you get my drift about the freedom part.

4) More Freedom. Freedom of movement is also a huge one, because the 1st steps are the nicest ones but also the most challenging ones since it could be that one person wants to go bowling and the other one wants to go see a movie. Disbalance in those early stages becomes sort of like a map for a relationship to come. So if you like the person - yield! It doesn't matter bowling or movies as long as you are together and enjoying those 1st precious moments.

5) Roles. Have you ever seen the Tai Ji symbol? The yin and the yang? Well, that is how women and men are. Women can manifest male traits, males - feminine. Accept it, that the girl that you meet may be able to lift 300 lbs. and you are into flower arrangement. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but if you assume that that is something that automatically authorizes you to start changing that person and helping them out to fit some mold that you want - well, not meant to happen. That person is that way for a reason, and you are the way you are also for a reason. Not everyone wants and needs to change, so please think before you start changing the other person, because you know that you need to be careful what you wish for, as it may just come true one day.

Well, that's it for now. I am happy that I was able to share this information with you it comes from my own experience as a man and also as a spiritual being who likes to see others being happy and content. I hope that you find that special someone today, or tomorrow and please feel free to share your experiences with me, Iggy (at your service always).

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