Thursday, January 21, 2021

Mastery of Nothing

Hello, I haven't said anything in a while, mainly because there hasn't been much to say, but this one has been crystallizing for a while...

You know, for some reason I see many people promoting themselves and their skills, whether it be as teachers, consultants or masters at something, which is cool and interesting! Sometimes people that teach about life come in very small sizes, but I guess that is the way that power wanted it to be, which is okay..

However, here is a thought, how about mastering something that doesn't make you a marketing guru, and yet would make you a perfected human being? There is so much to master during the day and night time: how about mastering breathing? Or becoming a master of falling asleep? Here is a source of mastery - chewing and swallowing. Or have you thought of a masters degree in walking?

As you can see, if you see various mundane activities as a source of mastery, soon you are bound to run out of space. But if it isn't that, what is there to conquer...illusions?

Thanks for reading,