Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Son of the Wolf (a poem)

Son of the Wolf.

His eyes reflect his hunger - he's difficult and mean.
Inhumanely resilient, his weakness has never been seen..
He fights and fights and fights like a drug fiend,

Not for some glory or rewards, just cause he can  - and that is him.

His friends don't understand
They are always stuck somewhere in between
Why is he mean, and compassionate on a whim - that's him.

Long time ago he was born to human parents but the She-Wolf gave him milk, and cured him when ill. The Leader of the pack has given him the wit, the agility and the strength, and made him the sole inheritor and possessor  of that same-damned ill will.

When little boy he put the others to the test, then he was put to the test by the Sacred, and then he realized that the money and the fame are not it, cause what's in charge is all there is.

The Son of Man was buried and came back in,
The Son of Wolf, is dancing here thereafter and in between,

Hate him love him or don't react to him,
The Lonely Lover has already revealed the joy within and bursted out laughing calling nothing but stupidity a sin.

Now forever serene his will and power are the armour and his пыл. Will surely pass his knowledge to the sons and the daughters, Olympian resolve, the evil will be still, let's drink to that...)

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