Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Kettlebell and TaiJiQuan

So, i was inspired to write this blog in response to some of the videos on the Youtube, which feature pretty strong guys doing their kettlebell routines, they also run, ride the bike and do various calisthenics in addition to their kettlebell workout.

I do my Tai Ji form in addition to kettlebell, and I have to say that weight training and Tai Ji go perfectly together. The heavy air, that we are attempting to envision and go by while moving in Tai Ji ("air like water" principle) is not so simple to achieve just by doing Tai Ji, although it is advised to be done in a gradual manner, thus developing the qi over time.

However, after giving it some thought some time ago I realized that the heaviness of the air can be emulated if you add weight. So, I started doing a Tai Ji form with weighted hands and that was fine but I realized that I am doing myself a huge favour by adding substance to the already substantial air. So, after sometime I started doing weights rather than just weighting my hands, and realized that in conjuntion with Tai Ji I am actually fulfilling that, which Tai Ji is trying to achieve without the weights - a very substantial air. Furthermore, I started to realize that my kettlebell training is being informed by my Tai Ji practice - rooting, alignment and so on so forth, all of that has taught me apparently to avoid unnecessary pain and injuries while working out with the weights! I thought this was pretty awesome, and my gong fu took new flight. 

The thing is that I don't really know what Tai ji quan, and the nei gong in general was like or was meant to be like during its inception. However, I am very sure that it must have been a conjunction of various such methods that strengthen the qi both internally and externally. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to achieve anything because the process is way too long. For myself, it took 20 years to realize this, not that it was a waste before, not at all, but I think if I "heavied" the air earlier in my carrier as a Tai Chi student, I think I would be further ahead now. 

So, if you are a student, and find this useful - cool. The point is to come to the external gradually and smoothly without any shenanigans such as injuries, which would simply impair you. 

Good luck in your training and may the Tai Ji deities be happy with your efforts.

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