Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Healing (part 4): Prayer/Incantation/Mantra

According to non other than Mike Tyson (the new Mike Tyson), " The family that prays together - stays together". There is a big truth in that statement, as a prayer may be likened to a spiritual healing for an individual due to its connecting power, or same for a family for the same reason, but I am not advocating consistent prayer as I don't  personally pray very often. What I would like to talk about is the use of sound in the healing session.

It is an ages old adage that melody is created to accompany something serious or fun, like going to war with a song or singing at the festivities. This practice unfortunately has seized to exist in a modern philosophy of healing, as the most sound the doctor makes is when he talks to the patient about his condition, etc. The surgeon even less so, which does not mean that the power of the word uttered by a surgeon is diminished of course. However, raising of a certain vibration with the sound of the voice can be very helpful for setting up the stage and especially for connecting with a spiritual power, a protector, a deity that you would like to involve in your session. An example is using a mantra for Medicine Buddha in a Buddhist tradition, or a prayer for Mother Mary, or for the Shakti, and so on so forth.

Beginning a session with an invocation can be a meaningful experience as it will get the patient into a right place and space in terms of their spiritual state. If there is agitation - it may calm it. If there is too much passivity - it may raise the energy level a bit. Perhaps you need to manipulate the environment a bit? See, that is something that modern scientific practice doesn't think much about - manipulating the environment, everything is just sterile and professional. As we touched on this subject, your "office" or a workspace should be imbued with life. Clean, yes, but don't overdo it as sometimes even the dust and dirt of the place have power to heal. This is something that is hard to explain. But in the world where EVERYTHING is alive, even dust and dirt are. That is something that has to do with the personal power of the practitioner.

As for the set prayers and mantras, you have to be a devotee of that particular force in order for that force to come into effect, to answer your call. For me silence works best, but I think that a prayer or a mantra known by heart can be very effective too. Just like I said, if you devote yourself to the worship of that particular deity or a force - it should answer your call, and it will.

Please don't underestimate the power of this, as even though we are not in the Middle Ages (whatever that may mean:), the invocations are power tools for someone who practices healing. What makes them powerful is not necessarily their age (and most of them are very old, at least in their idea). What makes them effective is the experience and the charisma of the practitioner, in other words their personal power. Which is a sum total of everything that we are.

To switch off and talk a little bit about the personal power. I didn't invent the notion, I am just simply bringing it to you. Long I resisted a notion that personal power is all that matters, and found it almost heretical to even talk about things of this sort. But I changed since then, and now I do believe, that destiny or fate is non-other than personal power. Please study this notion if you want.

Back to the sound. Is there such thing as a holy sound? A holy mantra? Well, now that you know about the personal power you can say yes, there is such a thing, but it depends on one who utters the sounds. In other words, if you take an amateur, and make him practice healing invoking all kinds of mantras, she may or may not be effective as there will have to be a "talent" component, which is in fact personal power. But if you take an experienced practitioner, it may or may not work too, no guarantee here! Although the probability is higher due to their experience. But no guarantee, because that will also depend on how much of the connection with the spirit that person have been able to develop. And THAT is where the difference lies. A powerful practitioner is better at beaconing the spirit while the less powerful - not so much. It doesn't even matter how much they have been practicing. Neither does it depend on their certifications etc. as it is that subtle force that decides who is better and who is not. Think about this please, because it deserves some thought. . This is a bit more complicated than expecting the prayer to be heard from archbishop for example, and not really trusting a simple monk. But the notion is not completely dissimilar. Both cultivate their connection to the unseen world.

To conclude, please take a look at my post called Spirit, and you will see that the concept of "kiai" is no different in essence from the incantation. See you soon,

With Love,

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