Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What is Beauty?


Common, be real I know that you think of yourself as beautiful!

I was prompted to write this post looking at all the (for the fear of sounding redundant) "beautiful" photos of the young women that are consistently being put out by the bloggers, members, etc. Some of them are truly exceptional, others are more like fashion statements, and yet others project certain vanity that I can't really call beautiful. All in all the quality of the photos is rather good, as they are being presented as a sort of "art pieces", graphically induced gems of fine graphic with enhanced colors, contours, forms, etc.

Looking inside some of these pictures, I find that they are empty. The real beauty is not there. It is like an empty nicely painted and well-arranged egg shell, inside - there is nothing. If there would be something, we would see a much simpler arrangement, and not necessarily young AND enhanced. This is because the TRUE BEAUTY COMES FROM THE INSIDE. It comes from experience, from the survival value, from the taste acquired in your travels: physical or soulful. It doesn't matter how expensive and fashionable of a dresser you are. how much make up you put on your face, or how expensive is your jewelry, no one can see the price tag anyway. What matters is what your thoughts are, how deep in touch with your inner self you are. Are you in touch with your inner reality at all? Or are you thinking about these endless shopping sprees? Shopping sprees are a waste. Think about yourself. What is your personal beauty icon? In other words who do you want to look like, who do you want to be?

Meditate on that person. Do you know enough about them? What do they do when they are not performing, starring, singing, dancing? What do they do outside cameras, at home, when they are in their regular non-celebrity form. I can tell you what! They are doing all the regular things that you would be doing in their place. They like tea or coffee, they like taking walks, they love their family and/or pets. They probably like some sort of fitness and they like to eat and drink well. But the difference is that they have a stage, a media persona, their alter ego, that works for them most of the time, and so often times these people (whoever they may be, cause I am not talking about anyone in particular) are very disconnected from themselves because they have substituted their self, the silent one, with the media doll, the one that is unlikely to be real, as it is made out of attention of other people. It is a fake.

Don't be fake. Don't be seduced by anyone's stage persona. Inside of it, and I am sure of it, are many unresolved issues, or perhaps not so many, but there is no need to mythologize, BE REAL! Accept yourself, and accept that you are beautiful. But not in the way you thought you should be. You are beautiful because you are, because you have your experience, and perhaps it is unlike anyone else's. You have your poetry, and it is unlike anyone else's feeling that was put in there. Do not be seduced by anyone's stage persona.

Be yourself, the true beauty is waiting for you underneath all the make up, outside all of the shopping. Hear the song of your soul and let it ring, let it vibrate. and I am sure you will never have to question your beauty again. Talk to you next time, in the silence of Your Beautiful Self.

Iggy Spirit.

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